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Co-Founder, Engineer, Head of Design
Non-Management, Executive Engineering, Management
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  • Company Type For Profit

Bonsai is an online freelancing platform that helps companies and independent talent work better together. It offers contracts written by well-recognized attorneys, smart invoices, and integrated payment solutions.

The platform enables companies that hire freelancers easily manage their external workforce. It also helps freelancers transform their

external talent into a source of income.

Bonsai was launched in 2015 and is based in San Francisco, California.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Bonsai's headquarters? Bonsai is located in San Francisco, California, United States.Who invested in Bonsai? Bonsai is funded by Y Combinator.How much funding has Bonsai raised to date? Bonsai has raised .When was the last funding round for Bonsai? Bonsai closed its last funding round on Mar 22, 2016 from a Pre-Seed round.Who are Bonsai's competitors? Alternatives and possible competitors to Bonsai may include FinjaMovoCash, and Amino Payments.